
Who is the Four Seasons Orlando baby on TikTok?

A BABY went viral on TikTok after her aunt posted an adorable video of her on the platform.

Here's everything we know about the Four Seasons Orlando baby and his family.


A viral clip featuring baby Kate and her family has been viewed more than 38 million times on TikTok and has nearly five million likesPhoto credit: TikTok/sobrizzle

Who is the Four Seasons Orlando baby on TikTok?

A TikTok in which a woman asks her family members if they want to go to the Four Seasons Orlando has gone viral.

The woman asks, “Who wants to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?”

The first person to raise their hand and say, “Me!” was a one-year-old baby named Kate.

The video's caption reads: “When @Four Seasons Hotels is looking for a baby ambassador, my niece has you.”

The video has been viewed over 38 million times and has almost five million likes.

What did people say about the viral video?

Since the TikTok went viral, over 39,000 TikTokers have responded in the comments section of the video.

Some users stitched together the video and added their reactions, while others even parodied the clip.

Many were shocked at how present and knowledgeable baby Kate appeared.

One user said: “This baby is clearly already a pro at navigating this world. Hilarious!”

Another added: “It's like she waited to hear what Four Seasons were available before replying.”

“Why was the baby the first to raise his hand,” another asked.

The Four Seasons Resort Orlando is known, among other things, for its proximity to Disney World


The Four Seasons Resort Orlando is known for its proximity to Disney WorldPhoto credit: Don Riddle Images

What did Kate's family say about the viral spread?

Kate's aunt, Stephanie O'Brien, posted the video on social media on May 17, 2024.

She told Rolling Stone, “Everyone thinks their own children or their own nieces and nephews are the cutest.”

“But my nieces are really cute. I watched the video and thought, 'Maybe it's not just our family group chat that finds this funny.'”

Kate's mother Bailey Wise also commented on the popularity of the video.

“We don’t post much on social media,” Bailey said.

“My husband came down Saturday morning and said, ‘I just got a text. Did you know we are viral and trending?

“It was a whirlwind. First there were a few thousand, then a few million views. And in the last 24, 48 hours it’s just been out of control.”

Anna Harden

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