
Speaking to voters in Idaho District 10

With campaign season now in full swing, I've been knocking on doors in my district asking about issues. This way you get to know nice people. (And others.) Democratic-leaning voters are fed up with our extreme abortion ban, the recent library law that allows any fanatic with a bug up his butt to challenge any book and force it to be placed in an “adults only” section will (which libraries don't have), no review or recourse and similar stupidities. But they are also concerned about growth and how we can manage the entire building without depleting our water resources.

Palm cards for door knocking

I watched a candidate forum for two neighboring districts on Wednesday and attended one for my own district on Thursday. The questions were a little different (heh). But I even found a few square inches of common ground with our current senator, most of whose positions I think are crazy, on the issue of the right to grow your own food. HOAs are often nasty on this issue.

Then on Saturday there was Parade America in Nampa, and I went with the District 12 Democrats. That was fun. And exhausting. It is an approximately 3 mile long route. This girl in the Liberty costume is a bombshell, she convinced everyone.

Nancy Parker, far left in all blue, walks with the Canyon County Democrats in the Nampa Parade America.  The participant in the middle, Melissa, is dressed as the Statue of Liberty and wears a sash that says “FREEDOM.”  Nancy and Jane hold small signs reading “Vote,” “Read,” “Vote,” and “Vote” next to her.  ;Learn".

As we all know, election campaigns cost money. At least print, signs and events. I need to put $1,500 into the coordinated state-level campaign for all shared services. If you can help, you can find the Act Blue link:…

Something strange is happening in the Republican primaries. A flood of mailers attacked Mike Moyle, my opponent, with extremely negative words. These were timed to coincide with the primary and were sent only to registered Republicans, who are the only ones allowed to vote in the Republican primary. A voter I met knocking on the door showed me a handful of them. The language seemed to appeal to the far right. And Moyle's main opponent is even further to the right than him, which is saying something. Therefore, I assumed that the information sent by various PACs supported their interests. But Moyle blames it on “out-of-state liberals” and “drug legalization activists” by rapidly building his own ads all over the internet. (You probably don't see them if you don't live in Idaho. But they litter every article I try to read online.) I know it's a Republican reflex to blame everything on the left, including things that Didn't actually happen (!), but that's just weird. I suppose it's not a political cry to admit that he's being voted into the primary from the right.

Anna Harden

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