
8 Important Pool Safety Tips for Parents in North Dakota

It seems like every year we hear about a tragic drowning accident in a pool or lake.

To avoid tragedies this summer, we've compiled a list of 8 must-have pool safety tips for parents in North Dakota.

Here's how to keep your kids safe this summer.

8 Important Pool Safety Tips for Parents in North Dakota

1. AAlways supervise children.

– Even if she only vicinity in the water and not in it, you want to be alert.

2. Learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation as quickly as possible.

-You never know when it will come in handy.

3. Give your children swimming lessons.

– Bismarck's YMCA offers classes along with several other locations in the community.

4. Never rely on buoyancy aids.

– Although they can be helpful and useful, they can develop holes and leak air.

5. Keep your pool covered when not in use.

– You definitely want to make sure no one from the neighborhood crawls in when you're not around, and you also don't want your kids crawling in if you're not careful.

7. Don't run.

-Ensure you move around the pool at a safe pace.

8. Keep your phone close to you in case of emergency.

– In these emergency situations, every second counts.

While you probably think most of these things are common sense, it's never a bad idea to go over the safety tips again.

Anna Harden

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